Timeline & Due Dates for Spring Semester Graduates

Fall Semester

The thesis project necessarily has a few key milestones that you will be required to meet as you progress throughout your Senior years in Honors.  Your Honors coordinator will email you reminders as deadlines approach that relate to your thesis. Pay attention to your email, and schedule a quick meeting or ask them a question if you need advice or clarification.

August - October 1st

Required Individual Senior Meeting w/ Honors Advisor!

August - October 1st

Oct 15, 2024

Funding: Final Application Due

Oct 15, 2024

Oct 31, 2024

Thesis Course Registration Deadline

Oct 31, 2024

Nov 28, 2024

Submit a Chapter

Nov 28, 2024

Spring Semester

Jan 3-23, 2025

Required Individual Senior Meeting w/ Honors Advisor!

Jan 3-23, 2025

Feb 10, 2025

Rough Draft Due

Feb 10, 2025

Mar 6, 2025

Executive Summary Due to Reader

Mar 6, 2025

Mar 17, 2025

Final Draft to Advisor and Reader

Recommended: Email your final draft to your advisor and reader for feedback. 

Mar 17, 2025

Apr 7, 2025

Prize Eligible Editing Submittal

(Apr 7th - Apr 14st-- make your revisions)

Full Details Here

Apr 7, 2025

Apr 14, 2025

Prize Eligible Turn-in Deadline:

To be eligible for a prize, submit your thesis by this date.

Full Details Here

Apr 14, 2025

Apr 14, 2025

Non-Prize Eligible Editing Submittal :

This is the final deadline to submit your thesis to our editors for review.  

Full Details Here

Apr 14, 2025

Apr 21, 2025

Final Turn-In Day

Apr 21, 2025

Apr 30, 2025

Presentation Day!

Apr 30, 2025

May 9, 2025

Honors Convocation

May 9, 2025