Submit Your Thesis Proposal

What to know about the proposal process

An initial proposal for your Honors thesis is due in your junior year.  Depending on whether you spend time off campus during your junior year, your thesis deadline may be later in your junior year.  That said, Honors requires a submitted proposal by the end of your junior year in order to remain in the program.  If we don't receive one from  you, you will be removed from the program and notified.

Please read the following process overview carefully, and make sure you stay in touch with your Honors advisor about progress on your proposal if you run into issues.

What to expect on the Proposal Form

The proposal form will ask you to complete the following sections, so be ready with your content when you fill out the form.

I. Working title of your project


II. Introduction

In a paragraph or two, describe your primary research questions and their purpose.

III. Background and Context

In a paragraph or two, describe what led you to your primary research questions and their purpose. Why is your question important, and where does it fit into the existing field? Discuss how preexisting scholarship or professional/creative work addresses-or should better address-your subject.

IV. References/Resources

Include a list of scholarly materials, organizations, people, and other resources you have or will consult.

V. Time Line

Present a schedule of the work to be completed, with start and finish dates. Include all thesis, revising, and advising deadlines, as well as any relevant performance and/or exhibition dates (these may be tentative). Be sure to take into account time spent for study abroad and internships. More detail here will help you stay on course.

 Please Note:

Supporting graduate or advanced upper-division coursework: we strongly recommend you select appropriate graduate or upper-division courses in your major that will support your thesis; graduate courses in particular can guide you through much of your research. Work with your thesis advisor to select appropriate courses.

If you would like assistance in completing this document, or would like guidance in thinking more broadly about your thesis, your Honors thesis coordinator is available to help you. Call 443-2759 or email your thesis coordinator to make an appointment.

Ready to Submit your proposal?