Submit Your Thesis Proposal
An initial proposal for your Honors thesis is due by April 15th in your junior year. You are welcome to submit your proposal earlier in the year for review. That said, Honors requires a submitted proposal by the end of your junior year in order to remain in the program. If we don't receive one from you, you will be removed from the program and notified.
Please read the following process overview carefully, and make sure you stay in touch with your Honors advisor about progress on your proposal if you run into issues.
What to include on the proposal form
The proposal form will ask you to complete the following sections, so be ready with your content when you fill out the form.
I. Working title of your project
II. Introduction
This introduction is modified based on section 4-A of the Syracuse University's Institutional Review Board (IRB) Application for Research Designated as Exempt
- 4-A Provide a lay description of the proposed research including the purpose and the hypothesis to be evaluated.
Additionally, describe how your project fits into your field. Discuss how pre-existing scholarship and literature or professional/creative works address your project. Discuss the limitations of these previous works.
III. Study Design, Methods and Procedures
This section is modified based on sections 4 and 5 of the Syracuse University's Institutional Review Board (IRB) Application for Research Designated as Exempt
- 4-B Select all methods of data collection that will be employed in the study (more than one may apply):
- In person, telephone and/or Skype interviews
- Paper, telephone, and/or Internet surveys (including online and email based data collection)
- Use of Social Networking Sites
- Data collection using other communication/electronic devices (e.g.-cell phones, texting devices, etc.)
- Observation
- Focus Groups
- Audio/Visual Recording of any kind (including photographs)
- Other (please describe):
- 4-C Provide a detailed description of what participants will be required to do. Note: Copies of all research instruments including sample interview questions, questionnaires, surveys, etc. must be provided as an attachment to the application. (Without this information a determination of exemption cannot be made and review of your research will be delayed.)
- 4-D Describe how participants will be recruited and/or learn about involvement in the research. Note: If the researcher will be provided with private identifiable participant contact information (e.g.-names, email/home addresses, phone numbers, etc.) from any source (e.g.-SU department/school/college, other school/college, private organization/agency/company, church etc.) a letter of support signed by the individual authorized to provide you with this information must be provided. More than one letter may be required. Submission of your recruitment instruments/tools is not required.
- 4-E Will this research be conducted in a primary or secondary school or is it funded by the US Department of Education? No Yes If yes, complete the form found at: Department-of-Education-Schools-Form
- 4-F Will the SU investigators travel to a foreign country to conduct this research? [This does not include research that will be conducted remotely from the U.S. and targets foreign participants (e.g.- online surveys, Skype/telephone interviews, etc.)]. No Yes If yes, an additional form related to international research must be completed and submitted with this application: International-Research-Form
- 5. INFORMED CONSENT Please provide a copy of the written or electronic informed consent document or oral consent script you will use in your study. This document must include the following minimum required elements:
- 1. A statement that clearly explains that the study is research. The purpose of the research should be described in lay language, avoiding the use of technical terms and using language appropriate to the targeted subject group.
- 2. A statement that describes what procedures will be followed, clearly explaining what participation in the study will involve.
- 3. It must be clear that participation is voluntary and participants can withdraw from the study at any time without penalty.
- 4. Contact information for the investigator.
- 5. For adult participants, a statement that the subject is 18 years or older must appear as part of the consent.
- 6. When applicable: Notification of the potential secondary use of information or biospecimen must be provided.
- 7. For internet research add the following statement: Whenever one works with email or the internet there is always the risk of compromising privacy, confidentiality, and/or anonymity. Your confidentiality will be maintained to the degree permitted by the technology being used. It is important for you to understand that no guarantees can be made regarding the interception of data sent via the internet by third parties.
For more information about the IRB approval process please go to: The Office of Research Integrity and Protections Website
Please discuss with your thesis faculty advisor if you need to submit your project for IRB approval.
IV. References/Resources
List scholarly literature, materials, organizations, people, and other resources which you have consulted or will consult.
V. Timeline
Present a schedule of the work to be completed, with start and completion dates. Include all thesis, revising, and advising deadlines, as well as relevant performance and/or exhibition dates (these may be tentative). Be sure to take into account time spent for study abroad and internships. More detail here will help you stay on course.
Please Note:
Supporting graduate or advanced upper-division coursework: we strongly recommend you select appropriate graduate or upper-division courses in your major that will support your thesis; graduate courses in particular may guide you through some of your research. Work with your thesis advisor to select appropriate courses.
If you would like assistance in completing this document or would like guidance in thinking more broadly about your thesis, meet with your thesis faculty advisor. Your Honors academic advisor is available to help you. Email your Honors advisor or schedule an appointment through Orange Success.