My name is Samantha Netzband and I am a member of the Honors Advisory Board. With the start of a new semester the Honors Advisory Board is up and running again and as always we are here to listen and address honors students concerns and wishes for the honors program.
This semester we have many exciting things planned.
- A Thai food event alongside the dedication of the honors library.
- A short seminar on public speaking.
- ‘office hours’ with advisory board members.
- We will also be hosting two senior events later in the spring around the time that capstones are due.
Also new this semester!
The advisory board has been working hard to bring new activities and ideas to honors students here at SU. This semester we will be planning two brand new activities. One of these will be office hours. Each week a member of the honors advisory board will hold office hours to talk to honors students about things such as Study Abroad, Living on South Campus, and graduating in three years. We will act as guidance for honors students who are new or old to SU with the goal of creating more transparency for Honors students.
We are also hoping to have a short seminar on public speaking. Although many honors students are incredibly bright they sometimes tend to lack simple skills such as public speaking. If you are one of those students be sure to look out for more information on the event. This event will be the first of many life series. We hope to have future seminars on different topics so if you have any skills that you would like to learn contact us!
Look out for updates from this new blog and also information on upcoming events on facebook and in your email.
Also if you have any questions here are the members of the board and our positions. Feel free to contact them if you have any problems or concerns please contact one of us, our emails and twitter handles are below. General questions can also be sent to the rchadvisoryboard@gmail.com
STRATEGIC COORDINATOR: Katelyn Marie Edel Email: kmedel@syr.edu
BOARD ADMINISTRATOR: Byron Gabriel Dela Rosa Email: bgdelaro@syr.edu
SECRETARY: Kathleen Gallagher Pieri Email: kpieri@syr.edu Twitter handle: @katypieri2
HONORS STAFF CORRESPONDENT: Emily Fesnak Email: eefesnak@syr.edu
HEAD OF SOCIAL EVENTS: Bo Stewart Email: bostewar@syr.edu
HEAD OF LIFE SERIES: Brooke Lapo Baerman Email: blbaerma@syr.edu
HEAD OF SENIOR EVENTS: Maggie H Chen Email: mhchen01@syr.edu
HEAD OF ACADEMIC OUTREACH: Ruitong Zhou (Flora) Email: ruzhou@syr.edu
HEAD OF MEDIA OUTREACH: Samantha Ann Netzband Email: sanetzba@syr.edu Twitter: @syr2017
Read more about us at the Honors advisory board home page.