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Honors Curriculum and Requirements
Renée Crown University Honors Program Requirements
1. Required grade point average: 3.4, 3.2 for the School of Architecture
2. Orientation
- Should be completed during your first semester
3. Courses
- Honors Courses: students must earn a B or higher in all Honors courses to count towards the required 12 credits
- HNR prefix Courses (6 credits)
- Honors Courses (6 Credits)
4. Additional Honors Criteria: Program Attributes
- Courses fulfilling the required credit counts above have been labeled with the program attributes that they fulfill. These are not necessarily extra Honors courses; many courses fulfill multiple requirements. When choosing Honors classes, select courses based on a combination of academic interests and requirements. To determine which courses provide Honors attributes, visit honors.syr.edu/courses
- Divisional Diversity Requirement: students must complete a course in at least 2 of the following 3 categories.
- Humanities
- Social Science
- Natural Science
- Interdisciplinary Requirement (1 course) – Whitman majors vary; see Degree works
- Collaborative Capacity (1 course)
- Public Presentation (1 course)
- Global Awareness (3 parts)
- Global Course
- Global Experience
- At least 1 of the 2 parts above must be non-Eurocentric
5. Civic Engagement
- 50 hours of community service
- These hours need to be entered on the Honors website and approved by the program supervisor who oversaw the hours for them to be counted by Honors
- For more information, please visit https://honors.syr.edu/civic/
6. Honors Thesis
- Honors does not dictate the thesis project. This is decided by the student and their full-time faculty member in their declared Major or Minor, who advises the project. You will select your thesis faculty advisor before your junior year so you can submit your thesis proposal in the first semester of your junior year. Your thesis presentation will be right before graduation: ~15-minute presentation and 5-minute Q and A
- For more information, please visit https://honors.syr.edu/thesis/
General knowledge facilitates your ability to make and create connections in your studies at Syracuse, in your professional life beyond college, and the world. Situating the material you are learning in your classes and research within a wider historical, social, and economic context enhances your knowledge.
The requirement for Disciplinary Breadth has two aspects
(A) Disciplinary diversity and (B) Interdisciplinarity
(A) Disciplinary diversity: Honors students will demonstrate disciplinary breadth by successfully completing a minimum of 12 credits of honors courses as follows:
- Two courses with the HNR prefix (6 credits). Students may complete three one-credit 200-level HNR seminars for a grade in lieu of one HNR course.
- Two additional Honors courses (6 credits). These may be courses with the HNR prefix, Honors sections of regular departmental courses, or Honors discussion sections of regular departmentally-based courses.
- A summer or semester of study abroad or off campus experience may count as the equivalent of one HNR or other Honors course, with prior permission of the Honors Program. This option will require submission of critical essays prior to departure, while off campus, and upon return, reflecting upon the entire experience. This option may be exercised only once.
(B) Interdisciplinarity: Each discipline has its own way of identifying problems, collecting and analyzing evidence and then making conclusions. Interdisciplinary courses bring these variant methodologies together. Students will examine the world through multiple lenses, expanding their ability to relate with scholars and professionals in a range of fields. Diversity of knowledge will increase their capacity to address global issues. Interdisciplinarity can be met in the following ways:
- Completion of an approved, three-credit course with substantial interdisciplinary content.
- An independent project experience, with prior approval from the Honors Program.
- Completion of a clearly interdisciplinary Thesis Project, with prior approval from the Honors Program and from your department.
The Breadth Requirement in Syracuse University Degree Works
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The 'Breadth' Requirement portion in Degree Works consists of Honors coursework as well as your Orientation and Interdisciplinary requirements.
Interdisciplinary Courses at Syracuse University:
Honors maintains a list of Syracuse University non-Honors courses that count toward the interdisciplinary portion of the breadth requirement. View those course lists here.
See the civic engagement website for more information about this requirement. There are useful Civic Engagement blogs, want ads, and online tools for submitting civic engagement hours.
The Civic Engagement Requirement in Syracuse University Degree Works
Students fulfill the collaborative requirement by working on a substantial class project with a small group of peers. Collaborative learning capitalizes on each individual's resources, producing a more rounded, deeper and wider base on which to build. Dynamic interactivity prepares students to be team players in professional and social endeavors.
The collaborative requirement can be met through any of three ways
- An approved course or extended project through a course that involves substantial teamwork.
- An independent project experience, such as in drama or engineering, that would require faculty approval both before work begins and at the end of the project. The team should work regularly with the faculty member or similar advisor throughout the work. The project must result in a deliverable product such as a report, presentation, or performance.
- Completion of an off-campus project (through an internship, field experience, or other activity). This requires a written proposal to be approved by the Honors Program before work begins. The project must result in a final deliverable product such as a report, presentation, or performance.
For non-course based projects, a petition that includes a brief, written description of the collaborative experience, along with documentation of the report, presentation, or performance, must be submitted promptly to the Honors Program at the conclusion of the project.
Honors maintains a list of Syracuse University non-Honors courses that count toward the collaborative capacity component of the breadth requirement. View those course lists here.
Language is one mode by which we know the world. Development of linguistic skills connects us to each other, to what we know, to our past and to our future. Delivering a presentation in a class fulfills this requirement; developing ability to clearly express ideas is the goal of this central attribute in the Honors curriculum.
- One course including public presentation, or an approved public presentation experience. This course should have a substantial public presentation component. Courses in public speaking, broadcasting, and acting will routinely satisfy this condition. Any other course may qualify, by petition, if it requires a public presentation of at least 15 minutes that is subject to critical faculty review.
- When you look at your progress report, there is a separate box for 'public presentation', which reflects this course or experience.
- The executive summary of your Honors Thesis Project.
- Presentation of your project on Thesis Presentation Day in late spring of your senior year (or December if you are a Fall graduate).
Alternate paths
Other avenues will be considered on an individual basis by petition to the Honors Program. For example, the public presentation component could be fulfilled by such activities as participation in Mock Trial or the Debate Team.
Honors maintains a list of Syracuse University non-Honors courses that count toward the public presentation portion of the Command of Language requirement. View those course lists here.
You will demonstrate your ability to learn a topic deeply by designing an Honors Thesis. Completing a research or professional project will bring unanticipated richness of experiences and expansion of your skills. Additionally, finishing the Thesis shows your focused passion, inner discipline, and academic capabilities-and we can't leave out endurance! Whether you continue on to graduate school, professional school, or enter the work force, the Thesis is the centerpiece of your professional portfolio.
For complete information regarding the Honors Thesis project, head over to our Thesis site.
Global connectivity increases daily and with it the need to understand international interdependence as well as the history of power relationships between nations and cultures. You can elect to acquire fluency in a language other than English or study international economics, history, religion or any of the other dynamic courses SU has to offer. In addition to taking classes that emphasize global awareness, you will gain experience outside the classroom that increases your global perspective. Many students choose to travel abroad while others participate in civic engagement with one of the many refugee populations in Syracuse. In both cases, students interact with individuals in ways that enhance their cultural competence and worldly knowledge.
Many options are available to develop cross-cultural awareness, and students must successfully complete two of the following options. In doing so, they must choose two areas of study (exclusive of the United States) that are historically different in cultural, ethnic and linguistic heritages, at least one of which must be non-Eurocentric (i.e., non-USA/European; the study of First-Nations/Native American peoples and cultures qualifies as non-Eurocentric).
- One course that has a non-US focus (not including language courses).
- A Thesis project that has a non-US focus.
- Ability in a foreign language at a level of 201 or higher.
- An internship or other work with a documented global perspective for at least 50 hrs.
- A semester or summer abroad in a University-approved foreign study program.
- An Honors-approved, short-term program that includes a foreign travel component (examples are on the SU Abroad Short Term Programs list).
- At least one semester of residence in a Learning Community with an international focus (such as "International Relations").
- One semester in the "Maxwell in Washington Undergraduate Semester" (IR/DC) Program.
- An approved, sustained, reciprocal mentoring partnership with international students for one semester under the aegis of the Slutzker Center for International Services .
- An alternative path approved in advance by the Honors Program.If the requirements of a student's major create a serious impediment to completing this requirement as stated, the student may, with prior approval from the Honors Program, satisfy the requirement by completing two courses: one non-US, one non-Eurocentric.
Honors maintains a list of Syracuse University non-Honors courses that count toward the Global Awareness requirement. View those course lists here.
Alternate paths
Other projects can be considered by petition to the Honors Program - for example, significant work with immigrant, refugee, or migrant worker communities in the United States, or sustained involvement through Hendricks Chapel with non-western religions and cultures.
International students should meet with an Honors advisor to discuss how their experiences may contribute toward fulfilling this requirement.
Syracuse University Courses that count toward the Global Awareness requirement
Honors Curriculum & Syracuse Courses
Below are Syracuse University Courses (non-Honors) that count toward the fulfillment of the Honors attributes.