Honors Curriculum and Requirements

Renée Crown University Honors Program Requirements

1. Required grade point average: 3.4, 3.2 for the School of Architecture

2. Orientation

  • Should be completed during your first semester

3. Courses

  • Honors Courses:  students must earn a B or higher in all Honors courses to count towards the required 12 credits
    • HNR prefix Courses (6 credits)
    • Honors Courses (6 Credits)

4. Additional Honors Criteria: Program Attributes

  • Courses fulfilling the required credit counts above have all been labeled with the program attributes that they fulfill. These are not necessarily extra Honors courses; many courses fulfill multiple requirements. When choosing your Honors classes, you will pick courses based on a combination of academic interests and requirements. To find out what courses give you which Honors attributes, you will visit honors.syr.edu/courses
  • Divisional Diversity Requirement: students must complete a course in at least 2 of the following 3 categories.
    • Humanities
    • Social Science
    • Natural Science
  • Interdisciplinary Requirement (1 course) – Whitman majors vary a bit, see Degree works
  • Collaborative Capacity (1 course)
  • Public Presentation (1 course)
  • Global Awareness (3 parts)
    • Global Course
    • Global Experience
    • At least 1 of the 2 pieces above must be non-Eurocentric

5. Civic Engagement

  • 50 hours of community service
  • These hours need to be entered on the Honors website and approved by the program supervisor who oversaw your hours for them to be counted by Honors
  • For more information, please visit https://honors.syr.edu/civic/

6. Honors Thesis:

  • Honors does not dictate what your thesis project looks like. This is decided by the fulltime faculty member in your declared Major or Minor who oversees your project. You will select your thesis faculty advisor before your junior year so you can submit your thesis proposal in the first semester of your junior year. Your thesis presentation will be right before graduation: ~15-minute presentation and 5-minute Q and A
  • For more information, please visit https://honors.syr.edu/thesis/ 

Honors Curriculum & Syracuse Courses

Below are Syracuse University Courses (non-Honors) that count toward the fulfillment of your Honors attributes.

Honors Courses