Where to get help


Everyone experiences challenges in college, and Honors students are no exception.  From adjusting to the new expectations and rhythm of college life, to managing that challenging course load that has you wondering if you 'bit off more than you could chew', everyone needs help at times.  An important factor in determining your success is how quickly you are able and willing to recognize that you need assistance, and how quickly you obtain it.

Syracuse University has fantastic resources to help you tackle challenges your undergraduate career can present, from academic to personal, you should become familiar with the ways to get help at Syracuse.

CLASS at Syracuse University

The Center for Learning and Student Success at Syracuse has a variety of resources to help you with challenges, from formalized group tutoring for particularly hard classes, to individual tutors, academic coaching for Calculus, and even academic mindfulness practices and workshop offerings.

Orange Success

Learning how to use Orange Success to 'raise your hand' and ask for help from your network is important to navigating the institutional side of your education, establishing open lines of communication with your advising team, and accessing appointments  with important campus offices.  Make sure you know how to login to Orange Success and navigate the system to your benefit.

Writing Help for Honors Students

Rae Ann MerriweatherDid you know that the Honors Program has a dedicated professional writing consultant who can help you with all aspects of your writing? Meet Rae Ann Meriwether, an Associate Teaching Professor and Consultant in the Department of Writing Studies, Rhetoric and Composition.  Rae Ann has been working with writers at SU for over 10 years.  She is passionate about working with writers like you and can help at any stage of the process: from brainstorming, to organizing ideas or producing a polished draft, Rae Ann is here for you.

Rae Ann will work with you on any writing assignments: essays and scholarship/grad school applications, and especially your Capstone Project. Rae Ann is a skilled editor and teacher and can help you improve as a writer.  She will be setting up regular office hours for the fall semester, and we'll post those here. Also feel free to email her at rameriwe@syr.edu.

Honors Reference Librarian

Patty Giles - LibrarianMeet Patty Giles, the Reference and Instruction Librarian for the Honors Program. Patty is an SU alum and has worked at the Libraries for 11 years. She can provide you with one-on-one research assistance. Among other things, she can help you with navigating the Libraries’ website, familiarize you with the many different types of resources available through the Libraries’, brainstorm research topics with you, help you locate resources for your upcoming assignments and projects, show you ways you can manage your research materials, and provide citation assistance. She is eager to assist you with your course assignments and Thesis projects. You can reach her at pmgiles@syr.edu