What to Expect in the Admissions Cycle

The Honors Program works closely with the Syracuse University Office of Admissions to select first-year students for Fall entry.

If you are selected as an '1870 Scholarship' recipient, you will receive a letter from the Office of Admissions inviting you directly to the program, and you must submit an RSVP form indicating that you elect to be a part of the Honors Program should you choose to attend Syracuse.  This form must be submitted by the deadline indicated in your letter in order to reserve your designated space in Honors.

If you are selected by your admitting college as a 'Leadership Scholar' you can apply for entry into the Honors Program. You must do so by the deadline indicated in the invitation letter you receive from the Office of Admissions. Admission is competitive and many excellent and qualified students will be admitted to Honors at the start of their first year. As a Leadership Scholar you are encouraged to apply to Honors, but admission is not guaranteed for anyone who applies.

We welcome incoming students to apply to the Honors Program if they seek a rigorous experience and are dedicated to their academic career. Honors students produce top-level research, professional, and creative works culminating in thesis projects.

When you are notified of admission to Honors, you must separately confirm your matriculation to Syracuse through the admissions office.

See the page for first year applicants for more information regarding specific deadlines each year.

Charting Your Course through Honors

What does it look like to be an Honors student at Syracuse?  Our advising and curriculum team structures the program around  professional and personal development that applies at every stage of your undergraduate career, and provides specific objectives and milestones for your pathway.

  Early in your Honors Experience Midway Through Later in your Honors Experience


"What am I doing?"
Articulate the motivations and passions that brought you to this place. Ask, "How am I changing now that I am here?" Ask, "How can I continue to build on my experiences as I stretch toward the next phase of my life?"


Practical Logistics
Understand all requirements, study abroad, experience an internship, identify mentors. Establish specific goals within your program/major and place them on a timeline. Identify organizations and job roles that fit your goals and values.


Seek out Options
Complete the liberal arts core; discuss options with instructors, advisors and senior students; go to departmental and school events, lectures, etc. Build an extensive support network; collect job postings and resumes of individuals you see as role models; talk to potential employers and programs to learn what qualifications and skills they expect so that you can plan to achieve them. Take upper level seminars and graduate classes in your areas of interest; read the work of your role models; nuture and grow your support network.


Executing the Plan
Complete civic engagement hours in areas of your interest; join student groups in your interest areas. Join professional associations; attend career panels and seek career mentors. Complete degree requirements; take a leadership role in ONE activity.


Next Step Strategies
Locate summer internships; update your resume. Focus and target your resume; meet with those who will write letters of recommendation. Apply to next stage of life opportunities such as jobs, professional schools, graduate programs, fellowships; schedule a mock interview.

Frequently Asked Questions

Because Honors courses are smaller, and are limited to Honors students, they often engage the material in greater depth, and pursue it in greater detail, than other courses. Honors students enjoy the experience of having other Honors students in a small class where the quality of discussion is excellent, and many students report that this connection enhances their learning.