Honors Faculty Moderate Newhouse Discussions

Angela Bundrant ’89, executive vice president, Rogers & Cowan PMK; Kristin Bragg ’93, senior vice president, Warner Media; Eric Jackson ’16, CEO Black Cub Productions; and Alexis Jones G’18, senior editor, Health Magazine

Honors core faculty Melissa Chessher, interim associate dean for inclusivity, diversity, equity and accessibility, moderates the discussion, “Storytelling and Identity: Capturing Black and Brown Excellence,” on September 10 at noon, Newhouse 3, Joyce Hergenhan Auditorium. Featured on the panel are Angela Bundrant ’89, executive vice president, Rogers & Cowan PMK; Kristin Bragg ’93, senior vice president, Warner Media; Eric Jackson ’16, CEO Black Cub Productions; and Alexis Jones G’18, senior editor, Health Magazine. Melissa Chessher,

On Friday, September 24, Harriet Brown, Professor, Magazine, News & Digital Journalism, will moderate the virtual event, “‘But Those People Are Disgusting!’: A Seminar on Fat Critical Studies.” This lively, interactive seminar features internationally known experts Dr. Sabrina Strings, author of Fearing the Black Body, and Dr. Amy Erdman Farrell, author of Fat Shame. The seminar will focus on the intersections of race, gender, weight, body shape and more. Harriet Brown teaches COM 300 “Fat and Feminism,” a course open to Honors students in Spring, 2022.

For more information and to register for these events, visit Newhouse Events.


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