Sarah Codak

During my time studying abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark, I was able to have a plethora of new experiences that expanded my cultural knowledge and knowledge on sustainability. Denmark is known as one of the most sustainable countries in the world and through classes like Eco-psychology and Sustainable Business Strategy, I was able to see how they maintain that title. Taking these classes, living in Denmark, and being surrounded by sustainability allowed me to further pursue and research my honors thesis on Greenwashing. Other than sustainability, I was able to take a lot of time to travel and got to visit 9 countries!
During my time abroad, one thing that surprised me was the ease of sustainability and everyone’s environmental consciousness. The use of bikes, 7 different types of trash and recycling bins, and waste reduction were all heavily ingrained in an individual’s daily actions. It just felt like a habit, whereas in the U.S., you would really have to fight and convince people to change their actions to be more environmentally conscious. I have already incorporated the topics and discussions from my classes into my honors thesis on Greenwashing. Specifically, I have incorporated the types of sustainability strategies companies typically employ, the importance of environmental communication, and the psychology behind an individual’s thoughts and actions on sustainability. The abroad grant allowed me to pay for transportation to and within Copenhagen that allowed me to further explore the city and culture, and I am so grateful for the opportunity that Honors has given me!