pictures from 2019 Research Fair in Sadler Hall, students standing beside their poster presentations

Honors held it’s second annual Research Fair on Friday, October 23rd from 11am-3pm, where experienced researchers shared how they got started and offered tips for what your next steps should be.

A virtual panel of students and faculty discussed how to begin a research project, and included the following participants:

  • Alana Barker (VPA, stage management),
  • Kailee Coonan (Falk, health and exercise science),
  • Prof. Gareth Fisher (AS, religion),
  • Michael Geiss (MAX, policy studies),
  • Dr. Kate Hanson (SOURCE Director),
  • Prof. Shannon Novak (MAX, anthropology),
  • John Stawarz (Syracuse University Libraries),
  • Dorbor Tarley (Falk, human development and family science), and
  • Zhuoqi Tong (ECS, bioengineering)

The following students presented their thesis work in progress and discussed their approaches.

12:00pm Julia Catalano Theatre
12:15pm Erica Morrison Public Relations
12:30pm Katelyn Bajorek History and Anthropology (2 separate)
12:45pm Andres Trejo International Relations (International Security and Diplomacy / Middle East and North Africa)
1:00pm Bradley Frederick Civil Engineering
1:15pm Alexander Tsemberis History
1:45pm Nick Hollmer Cellular Biology
2:00pm Tatiana Ablaeva Supply Chain Management
2:15pm Brittney Loper Television Radio and Film
2:30pm Cameron Edwards Environmental Engineering
2:45pm Erisha Beckford Communication Sciences and Disorders/Education

Watch the recording of the event here. Use the times in the schedule above to skip to a topic or student presentation in which you are interested.

Part 1 (12:00 – 1:30)

Part 2 (1:45 -2:45)

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