Leah Farrell

In Spring 2024 I studied abroad in Strasbourg, France. During my time in Strasbourg, I interned with the Collectif pour l’accueil des solliciteurs d’asile de Strasbourg or CASAS. This organization helps asylum seekers in Strasbourg obtain their refugee status and provide cultural and social support. I mainly worked within the child and family support services where I was able to help create engaging social events for asylum seekers and their families. Throughout the semester, I lived with an amazing host family who supported and guided my experience in Strasbourg, making this an unforgettable experience.
I was most surprised by the diversity of the city and the merge of multiple cultures which was present throughout language, architecture, and food. Since Strasbourg is situated in the Alsace region, it was subject to various changes in national status over time, switching from German and French. As a result, Strasbourg served as a combination of the two cultures which provided a unique outlook on how the two cultures co-exist. Studying in France reinforced my love for the French language. In the future, I will continue to take French courses and use the tools my French professors and host family have recommended to me. This experience has introduced me to a new realm of French cinema and TV series which I hope to immerse myself in to get a better understanding of French culture and frequently used vocabulary.