Harry H. WiseWe have received the sad news that one of our benefactors, Harry H. Wise, has recently died. We extend our condolences to his family and loved ones and offer our deep appreciation for the generosity which Mr. Wise has extended to the Program over the past ten years.
Mr. Wise led the establishment of the Wise-Marcus Scholarship Fund from which many students have benefited. The winners of these scholarships are able to expand their Capstone projects in exciting and challenging ways.
One award winner traveled to Costa Rica to conduct research on empowering indigenous communities’ involvement in ecotourism. Another student who was a dual major in biology and Television, Radio and Film created a documentary of a fellow Honors student’s Capstone on invasive plants. A recent award winner traveled to Australia and Thailand to study health care among the Karen refugee population. Yet another award winner completed a Capstone which helped spring board her into a fully funded M.D./Ph.D. program at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill.
Many Capstone award winners benefit from Wise-Marcus funding, adding further testament to the fact that Mr. Wise’s contributions to our Program deepen the excellence of all of our work. His legacy will live on in the lives of excellent students and the body of knowledge generated in the Renée Crown University Honors Program.

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