Danis Cammett

I have received the great privilege of being able to conduct an independent research abroad assignment in Bosnia and Herzegovina. My project, titled “This will be Our Switzerland: Nation Building in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, focuses on western (specifically American) efforts to democratize and build up the nation since its deadly war in the 1990s. While in Bosnia I’ve had the opportunity to speak with Bosnians from all walks of life, enjoy Bosnian culture, eat delicious cuisine, and visit fascinating places. My time here has allowed me to better understand the issues plaguing Bosnians and how on-the-ground policy makers are attempting to combat these issues.

Although I have spent some time in Bosnia before, I was definitely surprised by both the things that have changed about the country and the things that have not changed. The last time I was in Bosnia I was a young teenager, but arriving in the country as a young adult has given me new insights into the country that I previously hadn’t noticed. For instance, I was able to gain a deeper appreciation of the city of Sarajevo’s cultural side through events like Kultura Na Ulice (Culture on the Streets) which is a series of free open-air concerts and performances by both Bosnian and foreigner artists/performers. Now that my time abroad has ended, I plan to publish my findings once they are completed, and I plan to attend the University of Pittsburgh European and Eurasian Undergraduate Research Symposium in 2025.

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