EDU 400/600 (3 Credits; Undergraduate or Graduate): Education and Inclusion in Post-Apartheid South Africa

This class is being offered in Makhanda, South Africa, as a summer class. The dates of the class are May 24 to June 14, 2024.

This course aims to examine and compare the South African educational system with the US education system, applying theories and strategies from their program in a new setting. Students will learn about the post-apartheid South African educational system, including its role in both maintaining socioeconomic and education inequities. Students will also have hands-on experiences working with teachers and students in middle schools, a school of socially marginalized youth, and an after-school mentoring program.

If you have any interest in participating in this program, read the more in-depth description below, where you can find relevant contact information, further links, and future information sessions.

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