Honors is Hosting: Night at Tennity Ice Rink
Honors program students have the opportunity to skate at Tennity Ice Rink for an exclusive, late night ice event! This event will be free to Honors students and will have free ice skating and food. You are also encouraged to bring your SU undergraduate friends.
Tennity Ice Rink is on South Campus, but you can use the bussing system to get to the ice rink. If you are on main campus, use the 344 (South Campus Loop) or 44 (Skytop Loop) busses, which pick up at College Place (across from Life Sciences) and will drop you off near the ice rink! Here is a link to those bus and trolley schedules.
The event is November 9th from 6 to 8 p.m. All attendees, members and non-members of the Honors Program, must register.
Here is the link to sign up!