Kathleen DiSalvo

My experience abroad has changed my life! I was able to live with a host family, take unique and interesting classes, travel to 13 different countries, and explore the beautiful city of Florence! Living in a homestay allowed me to improve my language skills and form a relationship with my host mother that I hope to keep for many years to come. I also met so many other students from both SU and other colleges whom I still keep in touch with! Studying abroad showed me the many different forms of relationships, life paths, and cultures that we all share. I learned so much about myself, and I know I will reflect on this experience for the rest of my life.
I think something that surprised me about my experience abroad was how difficult the transition was and how much I missed being home. As someone who came into college with no homesickness, I thought I would be able to move abroad without having any obstacles. However within a few weeks I was feeling a lot better and was accustomed to the cultural norms (coffee especially)! I will be finishing my Italian minor this upcoming fall by taking 2 Italian upper division courses. The Abroad grant allowed me to complete most of my minor classes and part of my Global requirement in Florence, which makes completing my major requirements much easier!