I spent summer 2023 in Makhanda, South Africa, interning with Inkululeko, a global non-profit focusing on bridging the educational divide in South Africa. During the internship, I visited two different schools and worked with staff to create a mental health check-in program for the students at those schools. We also helped tutor and prepare students for their upcoming exams. I spent three weeks immersed in this culture and learned so much about the education system and the general lives of South African people living in Makhanda. It was such an incredible experience, and I highly recommend that others go for it.
The incredibly sobering reality of hearing the children at the schools share experiences and truths about their lives that I would never encounter as an extremely privileged person coming from the US. Most of the kids we spoke to don’t have running water or electricity. However, so many of them were so determined to make a difference and make their country better, and that’s super awesome. I’m going to be presenting my experience to the faculty, staff, and members of my CCE major at a dinner!