Burak Receives Chancellor’s Forever Orange Award

The Chancellor’s Forever Orange Award is conferred on individual students, faculty or staff who—by virtue of extraordinary hard work, good values and commitment to excellence—embody the best of Syracuse University.
This year’s recipients are Patricia Burak, part-time instructor of Russian literature in the College of Arts and Sciences and faculty/staff advisor to the Ukrainian Student Association, and Father Gerry Waterman, the University’s Catholic chaplain. Burak has taught Conquering War and Peace; The Power of Evil in Post Revolutionary Russian Literature; and The Russian Soul in Post-Revolutionary Russian Literature for the Honors program.
Burak was honored along with many prestigious award recipients at the annual “One University Awards Ceremony” on April 21, 2022 in Hendricks Chapel. Members of the Syracuse University community were recognized for “making a difference through academics, scholarship, creative work and dedicated service.” Visit Patricia Burak’s faculty website to learn more about her publications and career accomplishments.