Lauren Kaplan

I had the privilege of going abroad to Florence, Italy, where I had the most incredible semester. I was able to immerse myself in the Italian culture by visiting an abundance of museums and local attractions. Moreover, I also had the ability to travel to other countries throughout Europe and visit other museums and notable landmarks. Coming home from abroad, I have a new appreciation for historical artwork and architecture. Something that surprised me from my experience was how much independence I gained. Having the ability to wander and explore the city of Florence was a really special experience that allowed me to speak with locals and embrace a new culture. There is a very lax environment in Italy as opposed to New York, where everyone is always on the go. While abroad, I had the opportunity to visit an Italian high school, speak with students, and get a tour of their school. One thing that I would like to research is the differences between the public-school systems of Italy and America, as there were staggering differences, as I noticed from that one meeting. Overall, I would say that studying abroad is the best thing that Syracuse has to offer for students to participate in!

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