I interned at the Bustle Digital Group in New York City this summer! I worked as a Lifestyle and Parenting Editorial Intern for Bustle, writing articles and learning the behind-the-scenes of digital journalism. I was able to work under many accomplished journalists and digital creators to better understand the industry I want to enter, while also getting to try writing for women’s lifestyles and learning how to do SEO work for a brand. My internship encompassed everything relating to online journalism in just 11 weeks, while also giving me the opportunity to live in NYC for the summer!
I was not expecting to learn so much technical information about digital journalism. Prior to the internship, I didn’t know too much about how the backend of websites works or how an article is actually published on the web, but through this experience, I’ve learned what makes an article most engaging to click on and what techniques optimize a story for Google. Knowing these tips is essential to the rest of my career in online journalism, so I’m glad to be getting a foundation now!
I’m hoping to use this internship as a way to get more in the future! My experience at Bustle is going to inform how I write and what opportunities I pursue going forward, including potential internships at PopSugar this semester or a Syracuse-based publication.
I’m so grateful to Honors for the opportunity to apply for internship funding! It made my experience in NYC so much more financially feasible and enabled me to take full advantage of the summer. My portfolio and experience as a journalist have exploded because of my work with BDG, so I’m endlessly grateful that I could do it.