The American Chemical Society (ACS) holds two national conferences each year, and this year, the Fall 2022 Exposition took place in Chicago, IL, from August 21st through August 25th. I attended this conference from August 22nd through August 25th and presented my own research in a poster format. At ACS Fall, I was able to attend several lectures about fields of chemistry that I may now pursue as I plan to apply to chemistry doctoral programs this fall. It was both my first time attending and presenting a poster of my research at a national conference.
Since it was my first time at a conference this large, I was generally unprepared for how large it was, both in physical size and attendance. I was surprised to hear from professors from all over the world discussing research with one another in such a collaborative way. Having several talks occur simultaneously across three buildings was moderately overwhelming, but it was also exciting knowing that there were so many things developing in every field of chemistry. Specific to chemistry, I was also able to take notes on a few fields of chemistry that I know very little about and am excited to research on my own time.
Due to my experience at this conference, I have been able to further develop my presentation skills and hope to be able to attend ACS Spring 2023 with a different research project that I am conducting. Both that work and the study presented at ACS Fall 2022 are planned to be written into papers suitable for publication in the near future. I also plan to apply for further education in a chemistry doctoral program so that I can continue conducting research.
My research advisor, Dr. Korter has fully supported me throughout the process of applying for and participating in the ACS Fall 2022 conference. Working in his lab has given me the opportunity to conduct my own research.
Overall, attending the ACS Fall 2022 conference was an experience that helped me develop both professionally and personally. Being able to meet and discuss research with chemists from across the country was incredible in a networking and educational way, but I was also able to better understand the fields of chemistry that I find interesting and personally rewarding.