The Norma Slepecky Undergraduate Research Prize is endowed in memory of Professor Slepecky by her family, friends and colleagues. Students conducting research in the sciences or engineering are eligible to apply. The 2014 Prize Committee is now accepting submissions.
The first place prize is $750 awarded in April 2014 Students wishing to compete for the Slepecky Prize should submit evidence of their research in the form of one or more of the following: ¨ an Honors or Senior Thesis (near-final draft is acceptable given the submission date) ¨ the text of a paper submitted to a peer-reviewed Archival Journal as senior author. ¨ a published or accepted Abstract for a scientific or professional society meeting in combination with the text of the Oral or Poster Presentation (the student must be the senior author and presenter). A student who did not win previously can resubmit materials from the prior year submittal for review. SU science and engineering students enrolled in the Colleges of Engineering & Computer Science and Arts & Sciences are encouraged to apply. Women science and engineering students are strongly encouraged to apply. |
A full list of qualifications and requirements available here