Emerson Long

This past semester I studied abroad in Strasbourg, France. It was an amazing opportunity, and I really enjoyed my time there. I was able to live with a host family, which gave me an understanding of French culture and an opportunity to practice speaking conversational French. I was also able to participate in a community internship conducting physics research through the University of Strasbourg, which gave me a perspective on how research is different between the US and France. Additionally, I took multiple classes conducted in French and I learned a lot about French history and culture through those courses. Overall, it was an incredible and immersive experience, and I feel like I have a greater appreciation of French culture now.

One thing that surprised me about this experience was my internship at the University of Strasbourg, where I conducted physics research. I was planning on doing a community internship prior to arriving in France, but I did not think a research internship was even a possibility. The internship coordinator was able to place me with a French professor, and we worked for the summer on theoretical astrophysics research, simulating planetary formation. I was really happy to be able to conduct physics research that was really closely aligned with my interests, especially since the Syracuse Strasbourg program does not offer any of the science courses I need for my majors. I don’t have any current plans relating to this experience, but it has made me want to re-visit France, and it has opened me up to the possibility of going to graduate school abroad.

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