The Honors Pre-Health Society
The Honors Pre-Health Society (PHS) is open to all Honors Program members who are contemplating a career in the health services; this includes students interested in Allopathic and Osteopathic Medicine, Dentistry, Podiatry, Veterinary Medicine, Chiropractic, Optometry, Nutrition, Public Health, Pharmacy and more.
PHS offers a variety of opportunities to students: eboard leadership experience, social and networking opportunities, bimonthly membership meetings with meaningful programs offering information on the professional school application process, available fellowships, scientific research opportunities, study abroad programs, and more.
Below is a list of helpful links, guides and resources that pre-health students will find useful. Do you have one to add to this list you want to share? You can email it to honors@syr.edu.
Health Professions Advising at Syracuse:
Other University Health Professions Advising Services:
These sites can offer helpful information as well.
Thought you were pre-med but now you aren't sure?
Personal Statement Writing Tips
Professional Organizations
Funding Options
- Check back soon, because we're always updating our list of resources.
Gap Year Resources
Fellowship Resources
- Check back soon, because we're always updating our list of resources.
Civic Engagement and Service
- Community-Campus Partnerships for Health Their mission is to promote health equity and social justice through partnerships between communities and academic institutions.
- From Undecided to M.D. This is a brief and interesting bio piece on a student who went to USC and was undecided, then became a French major, than did a postbac, and now is a surgeon.
- Wikipremed Interesting MCAT study site. Some resources here cost money, others are free.
- Guide for Undergraduate Research: Managing Your Advisor Getting the most out of your relationship with your mentor isn't always self-apparent. This article has some interesting suggestions.