South Africa Immersion: A Global Health Education Experience

Pictures of students in South Africa

South Africa Immersion: A Global Health Education Experience Information :November 15, 20, 30, and December 5, 5 p.m. White Hall Room 441 Public Health and Nutrition students may substitute this course for HTW 304 or NSD 511. This course begins with an online-supported module you will complete prior to traveling to South Africa. You’ll explore…

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Maxwell in Washington

Maxwell in Washington Spend your fall 2017 semester gaining real world work experience and studying with practitioners in Washington, DC! Deadline for Fall 2017 applications is Sunday, February 12th Learn more about the program, meet the Director and talk to past participants at our Information Session on Monday, February 6th at 5:00pm in Eggers 060  …

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Global Health Education Experience


Global Health Education Experience HTW/NSD 400/600 (3 CREDITS; UNDERGRADUATE OR GRADUATE) INFORMATION SESSIONS: JANUARY 26, 5 P.M. MCNAUGHTON HALL ROOM 441 FEBRUARY 8, 5 P.M. MCNAUGHTON HALL ROOM 441 This course begins with an online-supported module you will complete prior to traveling to South Africa. You’ll explore techniques and methods for working collaboratively with communities…

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Rising Sophomore Hannah Butler Accepted to Fulbright Summer Institute

Hannah Butler

Cross posted from the Center for Fellowship & Scholarship Advising (CFSA) blog! Since 2010, the US-UK Fulbright Commission has offered the opportunity for first- or second-year undergraduates to study at one of the UK’s leading institutions. The Fulbright Summer Institutes are fully-funded academic and cultural exchanges open to underclassmen of any discipline. Hannah Butler, a rising sophomore…

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Oh the Places She’ll Go

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Madeleine Durbin (AS ’16) was recently profiled in The Syracuse University News. Maddi is an international relations major (IR) with double minors in geography and global political economy. She plans to spend a year in Africa and then to take all of her knowledge and experience to law school and to one day have a career in human rights…

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Your Service is Epic

civic engagement icon

One of the best ways to learn more about the opportunities available is to follow our civic blog where we showcase dozens of student projects plus get a look at a variety of service opportunities on our Want Ads page.  Your classmates serve in the many media, cultural, tutoring and fraternal service organizations on campus. They participate…

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Abroad in Istanbul

open doorway

If you see Emily Barrett (AS ’16), be sure to ask her how her semester in Istanbul went. But if you don’t get a chance to see her, read all about it on her blog site! Read all about Emily’s exploits: from the city to the country, exploring markets to archaeological sites, hiking to hanging…

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Where Were You This Summer?

original cafe de flore paris

Honors students work, travel, research, and relax all around the world during summer vacation. Some of you were in the labs in the Life Sciences Buildings. Some of you were adventuring on your own and others were studying abroad. Three Honors students traveled to France in the SU Abroad program, Paris Noir: Literature, Art, &…

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Interested in international travel and research?

Jennifer Lee Nieves-Alvarez

….you should consider the Fulbright U.S. Student Program! Fulbright sends U.S. students abroad to over 140 countries to teach English, do research, and foster mutual understanding between the US and host countries.  Students from all levels, come learn more about the Fulbright Program on Friday at the Center for Fellowship & Scholarship Advising (CFSA)’s Fellowship…

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Travel, Write, Publish

London Metropolitan Univ logo

Wanted: Students to participate in an international publishing and archive project. Where: London, England.  When: Summer 2015 How: WRT 301/SU Study Abroad   Spend four weeks this summer gaining experience that will support a career in publishing, library studies, and community literacy. Working with London Metropolitan University and Syracuse University scholars, you will have the…

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