Tanner Boshart

I was lucky to study abroad at the Syracuse Center in Strasbourg, France. While there, I got to study history, economics, and international diplomacy while living and traveling to the places I was learning about. Some of my favorite experiences involved the program trip to Germany, traveling with friends to Austria, and connecting with local French students. I was also an intern at the Council of Europe, where I got to experience the inner workings of an international bureaucracy.

I was not expecting to make friends with locals- I was very scared of my language barrier holding me back from connecting with people in Strasbourg. However, I was pleasantly surprised to meet staff at the Council of Europe and students at INSA to befriend. I was able to learn more about what it really meant to live in France by spending time with these people. I have just secured an internship in Washington, D.C. at the Chamber of Commerce; Europe Division. This position will have me work alongside the team that creates international trade deals with the EU, UK, and more. During the interview, they asked me a lot of questions about my internship and studies in France. I credit the Strasbourg program for my knowledge in international politics and economics, as well as preparing me for future career roles in this field.

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