High-achieving students often need more academic advising, not less, because they tend to have many interests and more options open to them. It can be overwhelming and difficult to plan for students who find many subjects interesting.
Several kinds of advising are available to Honors students. Your needs will change over time, and you will always be adding to your list of staff and faculty “advisors,” such as your home school recorder, your faculty advisor, Honors advisors, and many other helpful people you will encounter.
Who is your Honors Advisor?
Your Honors Advisor is listed in your Orange Success Network when you login to Orange Success. You should use the system to schedule an appointment for Honors advising. Our advisors collectively have decades of experience at Syracuse University, and are knowledgeable in all facets of the undergraduate experience.
You can schedule your appointment using your advisor's Orange Success link below:
We can help you match Honors requirements with your college’s requirements.
- This is a good example of an area where you will work with more than one advisor. Your home school or college should be considered the expert on your academic requirements, and you should meet with your designated academic advisor and/or your college recorder on a regular basis to make sure you understand what you need to do. Our advisors can then help you match those requirements to those of the Honors Program. We strongly recommend that you meet with an Honors advisor at least once a semester to plan your progress toward meeting requirements. Coming in prior to registration each semester will help you take advantage of all the courses that can fulfill multiple requirements. Regular communication between you and the Honors staff is essential, and is the best way to prevent unpleasant surprises about where you stand.
We can help you make the most of your undergraduate experience.
- Study abroad, internships, civic engagement, extracurricular opportunities – these are all part of a rich and well-rounded undergraduate experience. If you are interested, but don’t know quite how to get involved or get started, come see us! We can put you in touch with the right people.
See us for graduate school, and post-graduation advice.
- Come and chat with an Honors advisor about your post-graduation plans. Sophomore year isn’t too early! We can connect you to other key offices on campus, and help you sort through your options and stay on track.
Come see us when things aren’t working.
- Even the best students sometimes hit a stumbling block. You may discover you’re in the wrong major, or a particularly challenging semester may have brought your GPA down. Sometimes personal and family issues make it hard to do well academically. In any situation, please consider us an excellent first stop. We will either help you ourselves, or point you to someone who can.