Meet Some of the Young Scholars of 2016
Jessica MacDonald (AS ’20) was one of many Honors students who volunteered with Young Scholars this fall. On Wednesday evenings, Jessica got on the 5:15 bus to to the Northside Learning Center. There she worked with young Muslim girls to complete their homework assignments. Together they completed not only the homework, but they learned to understand each other.
Jessica’s self-assessment pays tribute to the very reason that performing this civic engagement work is one way to satisfy the Honors global experience requirement: “I got to tell them about university life and they got to tell me about being a Muslim girl in America. In a country fearful of Muslims, it was truly an exceptional opportunity to get to see what many Americans fail to see. They fail to recognize our shared humanity. They fail to recognize that we are all Americans striving for better lives. It was a blessing to impart what little wisdom I have on these young girls and to receive wisdom ten fold from them.”
Are you looking for a way to fulfill your civic engagement requirement? Talk to the folks who run the Young Scholars in the Office of Engagement, in the basement of Hendricks Chapel.