Hi Honors Community!
Just in time for 499 day (tomorrow Oct 31st) it’s our next Capstone student profile! This one is senior Michael Rogers, who is now so on top of his Capstone project that he is already taking care of his 499 form. Way to go Michael! And for what it’s worth, we think this is a great picture that matches Mike’s take charge attitude towards his project.
Name: Michael Rogers
Program/Major: Newhouse/TRF
Year: 2014
It took Michael Rogers (PC ’14) a while to settle on just the right format for his Capstone. As a screenwriter who didn’t want to write a script for his project, Mike is not a typical TRF student…or a typical anything else for that matter. Strike that, Mike is typical when it comes to going to the library and doing research: he didn’t want to do it. After resisting much prodding from his Capstone advisor, Mike finally made an appointment with the Honors Librarian and, low and behold, discovered a wealth of useful and interesting material. At the next meeting with his Capstone advisor, Mike reported enthusiastically on what he had found. He is now our poster boy for what the library can do for you! Be like Mike. He reads everything!