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We have upgraded our Capstone project archive to the Syracuse University Library Research Database (SUrface)!  We are pleased to announce that our new Capstone project archive is ready to use.

We have almost ten years of full Capstone projects to upload, and we are starting with the most recent years of alumni first.  We are happy to announce that 2013’s Capstone project archives are complete!  You can go directly to them here.  

We are continuing to work on prior years, so bookmark the main Honors Capstone SUrface Archive and check back often.

These papers are fully downloadable, shareable, etc… as they are part of the digital commons. Note that they have been attributed with the strictest creative commons licensing. Should you need to use material from any Capstone project, there is a proper citation reference for each paper.

We will be uploading all Honors Capstone projects from 2004 – present.  Capstone abstracts prior to 2004 will still be accessible on our old SharePoint list.

What is SUrface? From their website:

SUrface, the Syracuse University Research Facility and Collaborative Environment, is a database that will provide access to the extensive and diverse array of work produced at SU. Its purpose is to gather, organize, disseminate, and preserve the cultural and scholarly record. Making the richness of SU knowledge available to the world through free and open access is the very essence of fulfilling the mission of education as a public good.”

Screen shot of Surface search

More good news:

This site is part of the SU library, so the search tools are great!  Once you are on the Honors archive, use the advanced search function to find exactly the topics you are looking for. See the screen shot above.

Please stay tuned for more updates. Soon we’ll also be building an index of Capstone projects that won Orlin prizes, and Crown-Wise funding, so you can see examples of past works that have been funded!


It will take us a while to get all of the projects uploaded in their entirety, so if you need to look at older projects you will have to access our old SharePoint abstracts list.  We will send out an announcement like this every time we complete the uploading of another year of Honors Capstones!


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