Kennedy Snyder

Kennedy Snyder My time abroad was truly incredible, I met amazing people and had so many opportunities to not only learn about the countries I visited but to experience the cultures as well. It was easily one of the best things I’ve ever done, and truly made my time at Syracuse University unforgettable! My professor,…

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Emerson Long

Emerson Long This past semester I studied abroad in Strasbourg, France. It was an amazing opportunity, and I really enjoyed my time there. I was able to live with a host family, which gave me an understanding of French culture and an opportunity to practice speaking conversational French. I was also able to participate in…

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Aryn Chartock

Aryn Chartock During the spring semester of my junior year, I was fortunate enough to study abroad in Florence, Italy. It was the most incredible semester of my life, and I learned so much about the different culture, history, language, and more. The biggest takeaway from my semester abroad was how much growth I endured…

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Sarah Codak

Sarah Codak During my time studying abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark, I was able to have a plethora of new experiences that expanded my cultural knowledge and knowledge on sustainability. Denmark is known as one of the most sustainable countries in the world and through classes like Eco-psychology and Sustainable Business Strategy, I was able to…

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Tanner Boshart

Tanner Boshart I was lucky to study abroad at the Syracuse Center in Strasbourg, France. While there, I got to study history, economics, and international diplomacy while living and traveling to the places I was learning about. Some of my favorite experiences involved the program trip to Germany, traveling with friends to Austria, and connecting…

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Rachel Lin

Rachel Lin It was a life-changing opportunity to live in Tuscany and learn about food and culture. As soon as I set foot in Florence, I became fascinated with the region’s breathtaking scenery and rich history. Walking through the hallways of Florence’s Uffizi Gallery, surrounded by works of art that have influenced Western art history,…

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Alex Shaffer

Alex Shaffer My experience in London was not just phenomenal; it also changed my life. Throughout my studies, I felt like I had developed a part of myself that I never knew existed. I traveled every chance I had, and I wish I could have traveled more because I used my learning experience within the…

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Donovan Hernandaz

Donovan Hernandaz Studying and living in Florence, Italy, as an architecture student was an incredible journey over the past few months. We physically engaged with history through drawing, documentation, and analysis in our studio and in our other classes with site visits and fantastic professors. In addition to exploring Florence, I was also blessed with…

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Phil Lockitt

Phil Lockitt The Honors Professional Development Grant helped fund an annual benchmark trip for the Newhouse student-run advertising agency, TNH, wherein me and twelve other TNH seniors traveled into NYC to visit four of the biggest names in corporate advertising. We had the opportunity to visit Amazon’s Ad Sales team as well as three advertising…

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Nash Pena

Nash Pena During my internship, I worked with an organization called Inkululeko to assist in designing and formatting an Annual Report. I assisted in creating graphic designs and layouts for the non-profit, which helps provide education in South Africa, in order to demonstrate their accomplishments and mission throughout the past year. I utilized what I…

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