Peer to Peer

Peer to Peer logo, words with arrow sandwiched betweenPeer to Peer

The 2018-2019 Office of Health Promotion peer education applications are now open. We hope that you will please share this widely and to any students that might be interested in the position. The Office of Health Promotion is looking to recruit a diverse group of students to help educate their peers on health and wellness topics.

Peer Educators are volunteers that help to educate fellow students on a range of health and wellness topics. There is a minimum time commitment of 3-5 hours a week, which includes a weekly meeting, training, time in the office, and helping to provide programming.

  •  Peer Educators Encouraging Healthy Relationships and Sexuality (PEEHRS): educate fellow students on a range of topics related to sexual health and interpersonal violence prevention. Current programs relate to consent, sexual health, healthy relationships, bystander intervention, sexual and relationship violence prevention and more. Application Here
  •  Students Advocating for Mental Health Empowerment (SAMHE): educate fellow students on a range of topics related to mental health and wellness. Current programs relate to sleep, stress reduction, time management, and mindfulness, but we are working on expanding our programming and are open to hearing any and all ideas related to mental health and wellness. Application Here