Travel + Service Opportunity

students in classroomSouth Africa: Implementing and  Evaluating Health Education Programs
HTW/NSD 400/600 (3 CREDITS)
5/17 – 5/26 [ONLINE], 5/27 – 6/17

Grahamstown, South Africa

Students will participate with community partners to implement and evaluate a mutually-designed program. Students will also visit local NGOs, community clinics, attend lectures by SU and Rhodes University faculty and community experts, and immerse themselves in the history, education, health, and culture of South Africa. Need-based grants available for those who qualify. (Public Health and Nutrition students may substitute this course for HTW 402 or NSD 511)

Contact: Professor Mary Ann Middlemiss ; Jason Torreano
Thursday, January 28th at 5 pm
411 McNaughton Hall
Falk College Complex
Tuesday, February 9th at 5 pm
411 McNaughton Hall
Falk College Complex
South African flag held by student on beach