Feel the Love in Literacy Corps

Crystal with her studentsAccording to Crystal Hendriks (AS ’18), “Choosing to apply and participate for Literacy Corps was the best decision I could have made my first year at SU. Getting out into the Syracuse community is one thing I realized is so important during my college experience. Without the students and teachers I have met in the elementary school and after school program, I would not have gained new perspectives on educating and contributing to a community that is different than my own at home and as a college student.”
Volunteering with Literacy Corps made Crystal feel like she was making a difference and had purpose when helping students learn and improve in their school work. “The first graders really showed that they appreciated me helping them learn to read and write. They are so fun to be around and they make me feel like an important role model. Engaging with them is such a fantastic experience because I love their sparks of energy and interest in learning and trying new things.”

When Literacy Corps recruits new volunteers, think about applying!