Be an Honors Peer Mentor

Be an Honors Peer Mentor

We are seeking approximately 30 motivated Honors students to serve as mentors for the incoming class of 2027. Please use this link for application materials. Deadline to apply is Sunday, April 9th at midnight. If you have served as a mentor in the past, please just update what groups and organizations you will be active in during fall 2023 as well as any significant changes you wish us to know. You cannot serve as both a mentor and an RA, so please do not apply if you have secured an RA position.

We are asking that all mentors design three outings with their mentees: a free experience on campus (like a trip to a museum), a lecture, and attendance at a Sadler LLC event. We are also asking that you accompany your mentees to required group experiences, like the welcome dinner on Sunday, August 27, an Honors lecture, and the community reading day which we will hold on Sunday, September 10. You absolutely MUST be available for all mandatory events. When mentors are unable to lead their groups at an event, the groups tend to fall apart and not bond, so it is VERY important to make each event.

We’ll hold 1 training session in April which will be mandatory. We will schedule this training once we have selected mentors.

Mentors will be compensated for your time and efforts. We will pay $1000 to all mentors who complete the terms of the contract we’ll ask you to sign.