Warm Winter Service Trip

Morgan McMullen in IsraelMorgan McMullen (PC ’16) took part in a variety of service activities during her winter break trip to Israel including: helping lay weed mats and gravel on a sustainable farm in Beer Sheva, repainting benches in a community playground, and helping build a green house, plant trees and sort herbs on a Bedouin farm.
“Doing community service in the Negev helped me to better understand the efforts needed to build communities from the ground up,” said Morgan. “Working with the actual residents in the small towns and neighborhoods was great because we got to talk to them and really understand what their lives were like. Many areas of the Negev aren’t safe and there are bomb shelters on every block. Seeing the residents smile and laugh with us made the experience so much more rewarding. I fundraised over $1,000 to be able to go on this trip, and being able to see the money go directly to the communities was really special and took the vagueness out of donating money that can often times exist.”

Many students take advantage of semester breaks to complete their community service hours. Opportunities are available around the world. Share your story of travel and service by logging your hours today!