2012-13 Ray Smith Symposium Presents ‘Positions of Dissent’

     Helen Horowitz The Battle over Sexual Knowledge in Nineteenth-Century America  Is a “new reticence” creeping back into public discourse? Are we returning to issues faced in an earlier America, when open, fluid conversation about sex was shut down? Helen Horowitz believes that words matter, and that to forbid key words from public discourse…

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What’s Happening on the Quad

The Student Involvement Fair, that’s what! Wander around today, Wednesday, September 12th until 3:00 pm. The Student Involvement Fair, reserved for Recognized Student Organizations, showcases the vast array of opportunites for involvement on campus. You may find just the community service organization you’ve been logging for and the ideal social club and the sports group…

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Calling all Bloggers!

We know Honors students have interests and talents which extend beyond the boundaries of classes and campus. Honors is here to support you in any way we can, and to connect you with one another so that you can share and expand on those interests. So we’ve been thinking of starting a “blog roll” on…

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