Posts by Danielle Smith
HNR 100 Class Visits Oakwood Cemetery
Students in HNR 100: First Year Seminar, visited the historic Oakwood Cemetery, a short walk from campus. Professor Melissa Chessher gave a tour of the cemetery. Students spent the afternoon climbing hills and drumlins, and learning about abolitionists, philanthropists, entrepreneurs, and robber barons and the Cardiff Giant!
Read MoreFall 2020 Move-In
Welcome to Sadler! Feeling a bit uncertain? That’s ok, we’re all adjusting to this ‘new normal’, and judging from the pictures, you are all doing amazing! Try to settle in, decorate your room, get oriented, and take care of yourself. We are here to help you to address any challenges you have, so please contact any of our…
Read MoreLaurel White, 2020 Goldwater Scholar
Laurel White, a junior physics major and mathematics minor in the College of Arts and Sciences, has been named a 2020 Goldwater Scholar. The Goldwater Scholarship is the most prestigious undergraduate scholarship awarded in the natural sciences, engineering and mathematics in the United States. Link to full story by Kelly Homan Rodoski, April 22, 2020…
Read More7th Biennial Seneca Falls Dialogues
Call For Dialogues 2020 (October 23-25, 2020) This is a call for proposals for the Seneca Falls Dialogues, a regional conference held every two years in Seneca Falls. This is an undergraduate research presentation opportunity for students doing research on gender, race, disability, etc. The submission deadline is 4/30. If not possible to meet in…
Read MoreHonors Seniors are Named 2020 Syracuse University Scholars
Seven Honors students are among the 12 students who have been named as 2020 Syracuse University Scholars. Syracuse University Scholar represents the University’s highest undergraduate honor. For the entire story, visit:
Read MoreNeal Powless: A Message of Healing
Amanda Paule presents an in-depth conversation with SU Ombuds Neal Powless on his work, which draws on his Haudenosaunee roots to create spaces where every voice is heard. Read the full story and join the conversation here: Ms. Paule is a magazine journalism and French and Francophone studies sophomore and reporter/digital editor for The…
Read MoreFilm Screenings: Fantasy and Social Values
This week’s theme is “Identity Tourism: Race, Gender, and Sexual Orientation in Science-Fiction Worlds.” Film screening is on Saturday, March 7th, 3-7pm, Hall of Languages 504. Films screened are: 1) Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: “Rejoined” (1995); 2) Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015) and 3) Doctor Who: “Rosa” (2018). Open to the public and hosted by Professor Gareth Fisher’s class, Fantasy…
Read MoreFilm Screenings: Fantasy and Social Values
This week’s screening is on Saturday, Feb. 22 from 1-5pm, Hall of Languages 504 Professor Gareth Fisher’s class, Fantasy and Social Values, will view three film episodes, each designed to show how British and American science-fiction franchises have dealt with the issue of war. The films are 1) Star Trek: A Private Little War, 2) Star…
Read MoreStudent Curators: Narratives of the Civil Rights Movement
Student curators pose at the gallery walk and reception for their exhibition, Black and White: Narratives of the Civil Rights Movement, Community Folk Art Center, February 15, 2019.
Read MoreBlack and White: Narratives of the Civil Rights Movement
Feb 10, 2020, 10:00 AM to Mar 28, 2020, 4:00 PM Community Folk Art Center (CFAC) The exhibition developed from the Fall 2019 African American Studies and Honors seminar, Photography of the Civil Rights Era, taught by Professor Joan Bryant. Student curators, representing schools and colleges from across the University, are: Adiba Alam, Rachel Behrent,…
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