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Congratulations to

Shannon Ferguson

Visual & Performing Arts

Studio Art

Honors Thesis Faculty Advisor: Dusty Herbig

Thesis Title:

Art and the Sensorium

Shannon Ferguson

​In my body of work, Art and the Sensorium, I am investigating interactive multisensory art forms through printmaking, bookmaking, and installation art. Through the use of found images, I create narratives that evoke thoughtful conversation about interactions between people and their environments. In my work, I investigate two main topics, consensual and non-consensual touch, and the sound phenomena of Misophonia and ASMR. I am interested in the relationship between touch and sound and how those two senses can be activated through art and interaction. Through forms of polling and data collection, I gather information that is used to form books about my research though an artistic outlet. The book itself is also a multi-sensory experience in terms of touch and its state of being as a time based art form. Thank you to Honors, my mentor, Dusty, and the SOURCE for their support for this project.