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Congratulations to

Adam Bayer


Information Management & Technology

Honors Thesis Faculty Advisor: Steven Sawyer

Thesis Title:

Augmenting and Replacing Labor:
How technological change has affected workers (and would-be workers), and potential responses to negative implications of that change.

Adam Bayer

Work is central to the structures of our lives. As with every other human construct, the nature of work changes over time, and the pace of that change has accelerated. The argument in this paper is that more ought to be done to address the negative aspects of that change, including looming technological unemployment and reduced prosperity, stability, job quality, and opportunities for today's workers (and would-be workers).

This project focuses on the current state of work, how we got here, and what can be done to address how shifts in the world of work have adversely affected workers. I focus on how job-related tasks and benefits have changed for American workers, and how technology has enabled these changes.

Links to Project Materials:


Professional Projects 2020, School of Information Studies 2020, 2020