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Congratulations to

Hanna Nichols

Arts & Sciences

Citizenship & Civic Engagement

Honors Thesis Faculty Advisor: Anne E. Mosher

Thesis Title:

A Case Study of the Effectiveness of Audiovisuals for English Language Learners in STEM Courses: Enhancing the Girls Who Code Curriculum at the North Side Learning Center

Hanna Nichols

This thesis presents a project that integrates insights from the literature on instructional strategies for English Language Learners (ELLs) into an existing curriculum for introducing middle and high school-aged ELL students to computer science. Through my research, I determine that there is a significant gap in the literature regarding ELLs in STEM. However, literature in a different context--developing listening comprehension--has shown that the integration of audiovisuals is an effective strategy for the ELL population. Therefore, as the Program Coordinator of Girls Who Code (GWC) at the North Side Learning Center, a literacy organization for newcomers to the U.S. and ELLs, I created audiovisuals and a website to supplement the written GWC curriculum during the sessions. Based on a comparison of my observations from this semester to previous semesters when I did not implement the audiovisuals, I conclude that they are an effective instructional strategy to support ELLs in a STEM environment.

Links to Project Materials:


College of Arts & Sciences 2020, Social Science Projects 2020, 2020