Extra Coats Lying Around?

coat drive picture of coats in a boxExtra Coats Lying Around?

The Office of Engagement Programs in Hendricks Chapel is hosting a winter coat drive now through Nov. 17. The campuswide initiative encourages students, faculty and staff to donate gently used or new coats, gloves, hats or boots to benefit the Rescue Mission Alliance.

The Office of Engagement Programs serves as a resource for students to engage in the community and support efforts to make a difference in the Syracuse neighborhoods. For more information about the coat drive or ways to get involved, contact the Office of Engagement Programs at engagesu@syr.edu or 315.443.1254.Donations can be dropped off at the designated Winter Coat Drive boxes located in Hendricks Chapel, down the hall from People’s Place Cafe.

A student drops off a donation for the campuswide winter coat drive.